A Guide for BIOL497 IS Students in FRI Public Health
Shane McCarty, PhD
Primary & Secondary Objectives
How to Create Deliverables
Why Use R & Quarto instead of SPSS?
Student Roles
Research Study
Primary Objectives
SUNY SURC Team Poster
Develop a team poster for a collaborative meta-study (using the five samples collected in Fall 24 ANTH306) to present at the SUNY SURC 2025 at Binghamton University in April, 2025
Note: Each team member will contribute to the poster!
Note: Each team member will have different responsibilities. One team member will focus on the presentation and two will complete the brief research report. I will help you step by step! Do not worry! You’ll learn a new skill and we will do it together.
How to Create Deliverables
Deliverables will be published in Quarto using Markdown.
plain text format with simple syntax designed for people to write R and python code (similar to HTML, but simpler)
Question: Do you think this is cool too?!
Why Use R and Quarto instead of SPSS?
SPSS is an antiquated, commerical statistics software while R is an open-source statistics software with thousands of “packages” containing code, data and documentation for scientists to adapt for their specific research purposes. R code can be published using Quarto for others to copy and run/modify. A Quarto manuscript and presentation includes normal text outputs (e.g., a normal text document, a normal PPT presentation) AND the underlying code for others to reproduce your results, tables, and figures.
Lead for: Presentation or Manuscript? (Yay Thai Food!)
Lead for: Presentation or Manuscript? (Go UFC!)
Team Poster
The team poster should follow FRI guidelines, such as “better poster design”.
Est. time (inc. analyses): 3 hours per person (three people)
Important: If the poster is solid, you can submit a proposal for SURC!
Team Presentation
The team presentation should be a minimium of 10 slides: background, study objective, method, measures, figure 1, figure 2, figure 3, discussion, conclusion, references.
Important: This will be delivered be a team member at our last lecture!
Team Manuscript
The team manuscript is a BRIEF research report of 4+ single-spaced pages. Follow the format of Public Health Reports for “preparing your manuscript for submission”.
Important: If people scan a QR code on your team poster, it can direct them to a website with your report!
Research Study
Primary Research Question
What sociodemographic variables (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity, social subjective status) are significantly associated with health status?
Research Design
Cross-sectional study pooling five study samples collected in Fall 2024
Sociodemographic Variables
Racialized Identity
MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status1
Social Class
Outcome Variable: Health Status2
Research Process
SPSS Data Cleaning
Convert SPSS to R
SPSS Syntax
/* Recode 5 response options from 1-5 */RECODE Q40 (MISSING=-99) (ELSE=Copy) INTO SSS.VARIABLE LABELS SSS 'Subjective Social Status'.EXECUTE.
R Code
SPSS syntax is converted to R Code:
# Recode Q40, treating -99 as NA and copying other values to SSSdata$SSS <-ifelse(data$Q40 ==-99, NA, data$Q40)# Label the new variableattr(data$SSS, "label") <-"Subjective Social Status"
Important: You don’t need to know R… we will use Claude!
Appendix: Resources for Quarto Presentation
Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished presentation. To learn more about Quarto presentations see https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/.
When you click the Render button a document will be generated that includes:
Content authored with markdown
Output from executable code
Appendix: Resources for Research Report
Advanced literature review software:
Appendix: Poster in Quarto
I am looking to see if we can create a poster in Quarto instead of Powerpoint. For now, go with PPT. For now, we have the posterdown package as a potential option (see posterdown). A newer version is typst-templates.