Fall 2024 Peer Mentor Meta-Study

A Guide for BIOL497 IS Students in FRI Public Health

Shane McCarty, PhD


  • Primary & Secondary Objectives
  • How to Create Deliverables
  • Why Use R & Quarto instead of SPSS?
  • Student Roles
  • Research Study
    • Questions
    • Design
    • Measures
    • Process

Primary Objectives

SUNY SURC Team Poster

  • Develop a team poster for a collaborative meta-study (using the five samples collected in Fall 24 ANTH306) to present at the SUNY SURC 2025 at Binghamton University in April, 2025


Note: Each team member will contribute to the poster!

Secondary Objectives

Team Presentation and Team Research Report


Note: Each team member will have different responsibilities. One team member will focus on the presentation and two will complete the brief research report. I will help you step by step! Do not worry! You’ll learn a new skill and we will do it together.

How to Create Deliverables

Deliverables will be published in Quarto using Markdown.


An open-source scientific and technical publishing system for researchers to publish manuscripts and presentations to a website

This presentation is written using markdown language.


plain text format with simple syntax designed for people to write R and python code (similar to HTML, but simpler)

Question: Do you think this is cool too?!

Why Use R and Quarto instead of SPSS?

SPSS is an antiquated, commerical statistics software while R is an open-source statistics software with thousands of “packages” containing code, data and documentation for scientists to adapt for their specific research purposes. R code can be published using Quarto for others to copy and run/modify. A Quarto manuscript and presentation includes normal text outputs (e.g., a normal text document, a normal PPT presentation) AND the underlying code for others to reproduce your results, tables, and figures.

Student Roles

We have the three smartest peer mentors ever:

Lead for: Presentation or Manuscript? (Go Bills!)

Lead for: Presentation or Manuscript? (Yay Thai Food!)

Lead for: Presentation or Manuscript? (Go UFC!)

Team Poster

The team poster should follow FRI guidelines, such as “better poster design”.

  • Est. time (inc. analyses): 3 hours per person (three people)


Important: If the poster is solid, you can submit a proposal for SURC!

Team Presentation

The team presentation should be a minimium of 10 slides: background, study objective, method, measures, figure 1, figure 2, figure 3, discussion, conclusion, references.


Important: This will be delivered be a team member at our last lecture!

Team Manuscript

The team manuscript is a BRIEF research report of 4+ single-spaced pages. Follow the format of Public Health Reports for “preparing your manuscript for submission”.


Important: If people scan a QR code on your team poster, it can direct them to a website with your report!

Research Study

Primary Research Question

What sociodemographic variables (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity, social subjective status) are significantly associated with health status?

Research Design

Cross-sectional study pooling five study samples collected in Fall 2024


  • Sociodemographic Variables
    • Age
    • Racialized Identity
    • MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status1
    • Social Class
  • Outcome Variable: Health Status2

Research Process

SPSS Data Cleaning

Convert SPSS to R


SPSS Syntax

/* Recode 5 response options from 1-5 */
VARIABLE LABELS SSS 'Subjective Social Status'.

R Code

SPSS syntax is converted to R Code:

# Recode Q40, treating -99 as NA and copying other values to SSS
data$SSS <- ifelse(data$Q40 == -99, NA, data$Q40)

# Label the new variable
attr(data$SSS, "label") <- "Subjective Social Status"


Important: You don’t need to know R… we will use Claude!

Appendix: Resources for Quarto Presentation

Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished presentation. To learn more about Quarto presentations see https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/.

When you click the Render button a document will be generated that includes:

  • Content authored with markdown
  • Output from executable code

Appendix: Resources for Research Report

Advanced literature review software:

  • https://researchrabbit.ai
  • https://connectedpapers.com
  • https://scite.ai

Appendix: Poster in Quarto

I am looking to see if we can create a poster in Quarto instead of Powerpoint. For now, go with PPT. For now, we have the posterdown package as a potential option (see posterdown). A newer version is typst-templates.

Appendix: Resources

TBD - embedded tweet github: https://github.com/sellorm/quarto-social-embeds/tree/main/examples

{{< tweet <joachimschork> <1852401656367067638> >}}

Slides by Dr. Shane