
We designed two web-based applications using the R package, Shiny, to collect data and visualize data.

self-assessment of prosocial motivation

Jordan Booker and I extending regulatory focus to various prosocial contexts. We developed items for a new prosocial regulatory focus measure to assess prosocial promotion motivation and prosocial prevention motivation. Bryan Acton and I developed a web-based survey using R Shiny to compute mindset results instantaneously. Our team is piloting the app and measure as part of a research study.

Click on this screenshot to use the app

Click on this screenshot to use the app

adolescent conceptions of social behavior

McCarty and Dunsmore (2022) examined the underlying dimensions of adolescents’ perceptions of helping and aggressing at school. The multi-dimensional scaling results are visualized in this R Shiny app. Bryan Acton and I created a web-based interactive tool to view the 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, and 3-dimensional MDS results for boys vs girls and academic vs. social power.

Click on this screenshot to use the app

Click on this screenshot to use the app