
youth-led change

McCarty, S. &*Pacqué, K. (2021). Youth-Led Resilience Promotion and Disaster Recovery.Training curriculum for Promote Care & Prevent Harm, Arlington, VA.

*Pacqué, K. & McCarty, S. (2020). Youth-Led Promotion and Prevention. Training curriculum for Promote Care & Prevent Harm, Washington, DC.

McCarty, S., Turgeon-Williams, N., & Pacqué, K. (2018). Youth-Led Analytics: Training citizen prevention scientists in an AP Psychology short course.  Training curriculum for the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS), Berkeley, CA.

*Pacqué, K. & McCarty, S. (2017). Upstanding for Promotion-Prevention (UPP): A motivational-science bystander approach to promote and prevent. Training curriculum for Promote Care & Prevent Harm, Arlington, VA.

school climate

Panagopoulos, J. & McCarty, S. (2020). Preventing Problems by Promoting Positive Practices for School Resource Officers and Educators: An e-learning training. Community Oriented Policing Services of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Panagopoulos, J. & McCarty, S. (2017). Preventing Problems by Promoting Positive Practices for School Resource Officers and Educators. Training curriculum submitted to the Community Oriented Policing Services of the U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC. [modules adopted within the 40-hr SRO Training course by the Maryland Center for School Safety]

team-based medicine

McCarty, S. (2021). Promoting Well-being & Preventing Ill-being within Program Committees: A team-based Toolkit for Well-being Champions. Toolkit for the Department of Family Medicine, PCBH PATHS, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX.

McCarty, S. (2019).  Emergenetics® Team Based Health Care (ETBHC): Addressing implicit biases, leveraging cognitive diversity and increasing power sharing. Training curriculum for the University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) Team.